Contd.# Need Quick Results in Google? Try it .

Need Quick Results in Google? Try it .

Major consideration factors for SEO

Hi, As we mentioned in our last post we will be following up with the next post containing next set of techniques to achieve good results on Google in a quick time frame of around 3 months. In the Last post we discussed the following

  • Design Analysis
  • Navigation
  • HTML Mark Up
  • Jquery and Javascripts
  • Image Caption and ALT Tags
  • Title Tags 
  • Meta Tags

Now, lets start with the next set of SEO techniques:

Optimized Images : We need to ensure that any images loading on the site are optimized. In a Project lets suppose where we have a hierarchy of pages implemented with listings and details of the listing. We should implement a different image for thumbnails and a different optimized image to have enlarged view of the image.  Again, if you look at the listings of you will find that they have a separate image for listing(thumbnail) and separate image on the detail pages for example: Apartment in Albufeira This is a very small point but every small bit contributes and a large byte is made. So, it helps with the downloading speed of the page and we firmly believe that less the loading time of the page more easily Google and other search engine will crawl your site pages.

Content & Keyword Stuffing: This is considered to be the major part of SEO and as per our observation it has the highest weight-age on among all other factors considered for SEO.  It is also considered as the most difficult part as well because creating content might be easy by copying it from somewhere on the Internet but creating UNIQUE content is never easy.  Also, not every person likes to write which make content creation for them quite difficult job.  However, there are many companies provide such services to write content for different domains but every one cannot afford the same.  However, the best method is whenever you are in mood of writing – write down your thoughts and publish it.  If you write the content yourself rather than copying it from somewhere else you will get more weight-age, you will automatically create a unique content in your own words and we noticed that  when we write the content ourselves  and of-course relevant too to our domain gives us more weight-age on rankings.  While writing content we also need to make sure we are injecting the target keywords as well and in a proper density. Injecting the keyword does not mean we should fill our page with keywords only – remember one thing if you are not providing any relevant information to your audience then it means your content is lacking somewhere because if it does not interest them they will not share it further or come back to it again. so, keeping their interest plus good density of keywords plus uniqueness of the content matters a lot in SEO.

Rich Snippets :  In 2009, Google announced that they will be filtering the hCard, hReview, and hProduct microformats and Google will utilize it to display it in search listings of Google pages and that’s what Google call it as rich snippets. It is a structural representation of your data. You can find different set of schema on and utilize it as per your website requirements.  Now, a days it been seen that many of the sites adding the rating module on their pages or listings to get appear on Google Rankings using rich snippets . For example if I am searching of a Villa in Portugal , you will notice sometimes Google will bring you the villas from the sites having rating module implemented and passed their rating into their structured data model provided by  so, it s a new trend to market your website but you need to have the rating module implemented for the same for this specific Rating Schema.

Link Building:  Another major factor to be considered for SEO rankings.  But this step requires a lot of alertness as well .  Now, a days Google is too smart that it ignores the links that mentioned in comments part of blogs, articles etc.  Also, adding the links to low level sites might decrease your ratings as well.  As, its been seen from the past year if a link is coming to your website from a highly reputed website it will pass juice to your website means good rankings to your website.  Its also been observed that if your link is coming from a relevant domain means same line of business on some lines it also passes the juice.  however, most of you heard about the Google Page Rank – if the Rank is Higher and the link to your website is coming from the Higher Page rank site then it will also passes juice to your website.  It is not an easy tasks to build thousands of links over a night so to overcome such situations webmasters have tried Link Exchange by doing manual emails to each other, some people sell it as a service as well to put links on their website with high page ranks but never go for that as we have hear but not sure about that yet Google is ignoring such websites as well to get the best results to its viewers. So, it better to ignore that way of building links and should go for a manual approach.

We found that the easiest way of building links quickly is writing nice and informative content on the internet.  As someone said Information is Power and yes it is . when millions of people sitting on the internet found something informative which actually helps them or they like it some how in Tangible and intangible manner – they prefer to share it , they prefer to put the links on their websites as useful link , they prefer to share it in different communities, share with friends and there is other BIG marketing rather than a word of Mouth referring to others.  So, if you really provide such content to your targeted audience you can definitely achieve link building easily.

We would like to define another instinct of Link building and its relevance to SEO . Please note that from a recent research it has been found that if the Link is coming from a root domain ( – it provides maximum weight-age to your website and if the link is coming from the subdomain ( it has less weight-age. So, its good to have links on root domains to gain good points to achieve rankings in Google.

Social Networks : These day social networks are playing a huge role in link building , (an assumption) might be providing signals to search engines like Google where they count the relevance of content with the number of Likes, shares and reads made on it. It could be anythings that is just assumption but we think that it helps in Google Rankings. However, looking at the other platform of Google i,e Google Plus – its been noticed by many expert that whatever we share on Google Plus gets crawled much faster (with in minutes) . Here is the most interesting thing is generally when we share a link on social networking sites – they add a nofollow tag to your links. However, In Google Plus its been noticed that there is no nofollow tag is implemented in the title of your Post’s link. So, it could be the reason that pages get crawled and indexed quickly there. So who know making a +1 on google might worth as well to achieve good rankings on Google or it could be how many reads for how many seconds been given to it on which it calculates your Post and link’s weight-age. So, it is advisable that whatever content we share with our audience it should be to the point, relevant and informative. If the public finds it helpful it will make a difference definitely to some extent.

Alright, Guys stay tuned for the next set of SEO tactics and techniques. We will be keep sharing with you as need to rush now.

Keep Sharing, Keep Inquiring, Keep Reading , Keep SEOing.  Stay well .



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Posted in Search Engine Optimization
2 comments on “Contd.# Need Quick Results in Google? Try it .
  1. […] Contd.# Need Quick Results in Google? Try it .. […]

  2. seo plugin says:

    Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. Seo Plugin

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